Trail Riding Adventures

Guided Horseback trail rides.


One Hour $100.00
Two Hours $150.00
Booking Fee $25

Military Veteran and Group Discounts – Contact Us
Accommodating up to 12 riders with ease.

Business Hours:


Horseback Riding Hours:

8am-4pm. Winter
8am-6pm. Summer

Our Services

-Horseback Riding
Is More Than Just an Adventure As the leading independent provider of horseback riding and equestrian services in Aiken, SC, Ladonna and the team at The Trail Riding Company answer hundreds of questions from curious parents and horse riders about the benefits of trail riding. Whether you want to go on an exploratory journey alone or with a group of experienced riders, we believe horseback rides can offer you more than scenic views, social interaction, and a chance for introspection. Continue reading for a few benefits of a trail ride that competing experiences can’t provide.
-Improved Mental Health

According to the American Psychological Association, interacting with animals in nature and creating new experiences with old friends and new acquaintances have significant physical and mental health benefits that scientists are still attempting to measure. A Nielsen Total Audience Report reveals that most adults in the United States spend more than 10 hours a day behind a screen. As cities grow larger and suburbs take over land that previously belonged to forests and reserves, people today feel more disconnected from nature than ever.

Taking a horse on a stroll through a wilderness trail has scientifically proven benefits, including lowering stress, lengthening attention spans, and lightening moods. Parents love engaging our guides to arrange team rides for their children as it cultivates cooperation, empathy, and friendship with animals and people.

Research from the Psychonomic Bulletin reveals that people who listen to waves crashing, crickets chirping, and other nature sounds like those encountered on a trail have better concentration and a higher cognitive ability for problem-solving than ones immersed in the sounds of a café and ambient vehicle traffic.

Scientists also believe that because humans evolved in wilderness settings, people in urban environments have an innate desire to reconnect with nature. The International Journal of Wellbeing indicates that interaction with animals, trees, and trails acts as a potent stress reliever and can refresh your cognitive resources.

-Higher-Quality Happiness

Health researchers love studying the long-term benefits of repeated exposure to natural settings in children. At The Trail Riding Company, our experienced horse riders advocate for parents to get their children into horseback riding, hiking, and green living early as it helps them develop an appreciation for nature and a better outlook on life.

Research in Science Advances reveals that people who experience decreased mental distress in urban settings have regular contact with nature. They also have more positive and meaningful social interactions and a more grounded sense of purpose and meaning in life. Horseback riding offers an excellent way to reduce stress from school, work, and long commutes.

Scientists from Denmark studied more than 900,000 people in various parts of the country over ten years. They found that children exposed to green spaces, like riding trails, parks, beaches, and mountains, were significantly less likely to develop eating disorders, depression, substance abuse, and drastic mood swings later in life. Over two million Americans own horses because of this, including our guides at The Trail Riding Company.

-Time-Saving and Cost-Efficient Exercise

People have ridden horses for thousands of years, and according to the American Heart Association, a half-hour of horseback riding provides moderate exercise comparable to playing badminton. As an excellent aerobic exercise, riding lowers blood pressure, improves muscle strength, and helps your body eliminate fat. Researchers found that guiding your horse as it canters, trots, and walks, can burn over 200 calories.

According to a study from Texas A&M, you can burn more than seven calories per minute in moderate-intensity horseback rides. Many first-timers and enthusiasts fall in love with riding, and they acquire horses as pets while building small farms. Maintaining a horse involves physical labor, like carrying water from a loading bay onto a stall or lifting buckets of hay, which also burn calories.

Keeping a good riding posture on draft horses for half an hour can strengthen your chest, back, and core muscles. People with well-developed structural support muscles tend not to develop neck, shoulder, and back problems later in life and can extend, twist, and bend over more efficiently.

Horseback riding offers fun for the whole family, is therapeutic, and allows exploration of nature and beautiful views of Aiken, SC. If you want an exercise that is time-saving and cost-efficient and produces many long-term health benefits, call us today.

Why are her services important?

Higher-Quality Happiness

Health researchers love studying the long-term benefits of repeated exposure to natural settings in children. At The Trail Riding Company, our experienced horse riders advocate

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Improved Mental Health

According to the American Psychological Association, interacting with animals in nature and creating new experiences with old friends and new acquaintances have significant physical and

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Horseback Riding

Is More Than Just an Adventure As the leading independent provider of horseback riding and equestrian services in Aiken, SC, Ladonna and the team at

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We look forward to riding with you soon!

Prepare to have a great time! Our staff love to share their horses and beautiful trails.

All guests must be at least 7 years old to ride on trail.
Please observe our arrival and cancellation policy.

Please call or book online to set up a reservation.